Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Almost there, almost.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ha HA!
Little Good Things
All morning, doctors and nurses have been butting in while Melissa's been trying to nap. As a result, there hasn't been much napping. Dr. Larson just stopped by a couple minutes ago, but she saw Melissa napping & came over to talk to me in the lobby instead because she didn't want to wake her. It may seem like a little thing, but it's so rare that it's amazing when it actually happens.
Most everyone here is very friendly & competent, though. One of the Nurse Assistants (they call them Patient Care Technicians here) knew she was going to have Melissa today so she made sure to wear her Hello Kitty scrubs and socks.
Like I said, it's the little things.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Pizza, etc.
The docs were talking about sending Melissa home for a few days to rest before they started Chemo, but they went ahead and started it. Better to get it over and done with. Her infection is clearing up nicely - the other day after one of the doctors remarked that the fluid was clear, and that was a good thing, Melissa restrained from replying with, "My juices are running clear? Does that mean I'm done? Shouldn't you check to see if my wing joint is loose?"
She cracks herself up.
Other than that, things are going generally without incident. Just a lot of sitting around & waiting. Right now I'm sitting in the lobby waiting for Pizza.
We've been keeping busy with watching Monty Python's Flying Circus (on loan from our friend, Ryan) and whatever Netflix sends us. I've been pretty busy at work, too, which helps fill the day.
The pizza should be getting here soon. I'll check in with you later.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
le Grr
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Moving again
She's feeling pretty good, though - no pain or anything, so that's good. Looks like they're probably going to hold off Chemo until this is all done.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Once more, with feeling.
But it was no big deal, they gave her some tasty drugs, lanced the thingy, and sent her upstairs to trusty ol' floor ten. (She was scheduled to come in Monday anyways.) Of course, it took 6 or 7 hours for all of that to happen,but that's what you expect with the ER.
We spent Easter here, which wasn't too bad as it mostly consisted of eating candy & then passing out in a candy coma. We brought Melissa some Easter ham & kielbasa and my parents brought her even more candy.
She starts chemo tomorrow, only one day behind schedule - so not too bad overall.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Woo hoo!
Picture Post
First a picture of Hungry, the monster from recent Weight Watchers commercials. I don't care much for WW, but the little monster is adorable. I made this little plush fellow for Melissa for Valentine's day.
These are the crocheted flowers that my sisters and both of our moms helped make for Melissa while she was in the hospital and not allowed flowers. They're really fantastic.